Hospital Bequests

Register Now for Wills Days 2025
Missed out on securing yourself a spot in this year's Wills Days? Register your details and be the first to know about new dates & times!
This is a rare chance to make a difference for wildlife that need it most and get a simple, discounted will prepared by one of Australia's most experienced wills & estates lawyers, Attwood Marshall Lawyers.
All proceeds from Wills Day session fees will go towards the treatment, rehabilitation and release of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife.
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital relies on generous donations from the community to achieve our mission to TREAT, REHABILITATE & RELEASE thousands of native wildlife each year.
Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most powerful ways you can help to reduce the suffering of wildlife and ensure their protection for the future.
It is easy to leave a gift in your Will, large or small, you can truly make a difference.
Leaving a small percentage or residual of your Estate will mean you can still take care of your loved ones and demonstrate that you care about saving wildlife.
Get In Touch
Complete the form to get in touch with Georgia, or contact her directly via email (donate@cws.org.au) or phone (0409 980 474).
Your details will be treated with the strictest confidence and without any obligation.

Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is one of the busiest wildlife hospitals in the world, treating, rehabilitating, and releasing sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife daily. This service is provided free of charge to the community.
Thousands of wildlife animals would struggle to survive without lifesaving treatment by the incredible team of wildlife veterinarians, nurses, researchers, volunteers, and a network of carers.
As admissions continue to rise each year, so does the need for community support and donations. This support ensures the hospital can release hundreds of native animals back into the wild every month.
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is also leading the way with research and conservation programs, all with the same mission - to save our native wildlife.

Update your Will for free with a simple online Will from Gathered Here
Having a will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Not only will it reduce financial and emotional stress for them, but it also ensures your assets go where you want them to, so people you love are well looked after.
You can choose to include a gift in your will to reflect you love for wildlife, by leaving a gift in your will for Currumbin Wildlife Hospital, you are ensuring the hospital team can continue to treat, rehabilitate & release sick, injured and orphaned native Australian wildlife.

Download your free Bequest guide here
Leaving a gift in your Will is simple and easy, although we do recommend that you seek legal advice.
This guide contains the information and wording that your solicitor or estate planning lawyer will request to help carry out your wish to leave a gift in your Will for Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for helping us save our precious native animals.
It’s simple to include a gift in your Will to save wildlife – provide the following details to your solicitor:
National Trust of Australia (Queensland) Limited’s (ABN: 85 836 591 486) [“NTAQ”] Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is a registered charity under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (“ACNC”) law as a specific deductible gift environment recipient (“DGR”) Even a gift of 1% of your estate will save wildlife and show how much you care about and ensure your loved ones are still provided for.