The Sanctuary is currently closed. We hope to reopen Friday, 14th March. More info here >


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Our App

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary’s app is great for kids and grown-ups alike. Stress less by using our interactive map to easily plan out and track your day. Photograph your favourite animals and log your favourite facts to share with family and friends later. Build a schedule by picking out the shows and encounters you’d like to see and receive push notifications that will remind you when it’s showtime!

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Play OUR Interactive Trails


Bring The

Extinction Trail Logo Stacked Gradient.png

To Roaring Life

with Augmented Reality!

Download the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary app
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Follow the instructions in-game menu to prepare

Use the camera on your phone to locate spotters scattered throughout the trail

Spotters will bring Dinosaurs to life through Augmented Reality

See how many Dinosaurs you can find on the trail!

This game is dependent on physical spotters located at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary's Extinction Trail

Spotter 1.png





Frequently Asked Questions


Download The App

For Android - Click Here

For iOS - Click Here

This is a large app and is recommended that you download this prior to arrival or at one of our FREE wifi hotspots within the Sanctuary.

  • Ticketing Queue (F15)
  • Wild Burgers (Q11)
  • Kangaroo Outpost (S13)

App Permissions

To use the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary app to its full potential, please accept the following permissions as they appear on your screen.

  • Camera
    • To take photos and scan QR codes to see exclusive in-app content
  • Microphone
    • To add audio and video recordings to your My Day
  • Location
    • To use the interactive map
  • Storage
    • To  share and save photos to your device 

If you have accidentally opted out of any of these permissions, please access your phone settings to turn these on.

Play Our Interactive Trails

From the Home Screen of the app, select Inteactive Trails and select the trail you wish to play.

Follow the in-game prompts to continue.

These trails will only work in locations within Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

You can enjoy these trails again and again by simply returning to Interactive Trails in the app by clicking continue to pick up where you left off or restart to play again from the beginning. 

My Day

Add your photos, videos, shows and activities to My Day by  pressing the heart icon next to activities within the app.

This is the easiest way to take a look at your day at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and share photos with all your friends!

Share & Save Your Photos

You can share any photos and videos added to your My Day throughout your visit to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

Press the Share button to either share on social media or save to your preferred photo app (Camera Roll, Google Photos etc.)

All photos videos saved within the app will remain until you delete them.

My Map or Camera Isn't Working

If you have not accepted the Location and Camera permissions, you will not be able to use the interactive map, take photos or scan QR codes. To turn these permissions on, access your phone settings and find the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary app to enable these permissions. You will need to restart the app for these permissions to be enabled.
