Greater Bilby
The Greater Bilby is a shy, nocturnal marsupial that inhabits arid and semi-arid areas of Australia. Prior to the introduction of feral predators such as foxes and cats, the Greater Bilby was found throughout much of mainland Australia. The distribution of the Greater Bilby is now significantly reduced (by as much as 80% of the former range) and at serious risk of extinction. Predation by foxes and feral cats remains the most significant threat to the survival of this species in the wild.
Protecting the Greater Bilby in the wild
The most effective protection for Greater Bilbies in their wild habitat has been to build and maintain feral-predator free areas. Several predator-proof facilities are now in operation around Australia and are providing a safe refuge for Greater Bilbies and other species susceptible to predation within their natural habitats.

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me at B14
Saving the Greater Bilby through specialist care
The specialist care component of the Greater Bilby conservation program is managed by the Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA). Greater Bilbies are bred in specialist care throughout Australia in ZAA accredited facilities, including Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. These Greater Bilbies are part of a meta-population that is managed to ensure genetic diversity and sustainable population numbers. Each year Greater Bilbies from the specialist care breeding program are selected for release at the predator-proof facilities.