I'M A Binturong
The Binturong is solitary by nature and lives in the canopies of tropical forests. They enjoy climbing trees and even sleep in branches. Binturongs primarily eat fruit but are known to also eat small animals and in order to find their food, they use their bushy, prehensile tail that allows them to hang on to branches as they wander through treetops.
Over the past 30 years, the Binturong population has decreased by 30% due to deforestation and poaching.

If this animal isn’t cool enough already, it also has a unique scent that smells like buttered popcorn, coming from glands near its tail.
Additional Facts
Conservation status
Life span
Approx 20 years
Native to North-eastern India, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra and Java
91 days