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At Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, we aim to ensure that every guest has a memorable experience and has the ability to see our wonderful flora and fauna as well as our wildlife shows, presentations and education programs. We are committed to providing suitable access for our guests, whatever their individual needs may be. In this guide, we have outlined our facilities and services to give our guests information to enjoy the best possible experience whilst meeting their specific requirements. As facilities are updated to increase accessibility this document will be revised.

Proud to support the Hidden Disability SUNFLOWER program.


  • Eight (8) reserved accessible parking spaces with shared areas are available within the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Car Park close to the entrance. Car park fees may apply (Image A).
  • Parking bays are located outdoors with a bitumen surface and have no height limits.
  • The car park is well lit and has security camera monitoring.
  • There is no car park attendant on duty during Astra Lumina.
  • There is clear and level access from the car park to the Sanctuary entrance with a clearly marked and signed pedestrian crossing (Image B).
  • A Taxi rank is located directly in front of Sanctuary entrance. Ride share pick up and set down can be accommodated along Tomewin St. and Teemangum St.
  • Two (2) further Council accessible car spaces are located on Tomewin Street, but do not have level access or wide berth areas adjacent.
  • Bicycle and e-bike parking is located to the right of the ‘Sanctuary Gifts’ shop and also next to the accessible parking spaces in the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary car park.
Image A – Eight (8) reserved accessible parking spaces with shared areas.
Image B – Clear and level access from the car park to the Sanctuary entrance with a clearly marked and signed pedestrian crossing.

Main Entrance

  • There are two (2) entrances to the Sanctuary, located next to each other. The Sanctuary Cafe entrance has moderate grading and not recommended for unaided access for persons using wheelchairs or non-motorised mobility aids (Image C). 
  • The ‘Sanctuary Gifts’ retail entrance has tiled ground with level access and is open during all trading hours. 
  • Both entrances have clearly defined even pathways with adequate width openings for persons using wheelchairs, strollers and accessibility aids (Image D). 
Image C – Sanctuary Café entrance has moderate grading.
Image D – Sanctuary Gifts retail entrance has tiled ground with level access.

Admission for Carers & Companions

  • Discounted admission rates are available for purchase at the ticket booths on the day of visit upon the presentation of a State or Commonwealth issued Disability Pension Card. Please advise the Ticketing or Visitor & Member Services team when purchasing admissions tickets to receive the discounted rates.
  • Guests who are accompanying Disability Pension Card holders in the capacity of a Companion or Carer receive free entry to Astra Lumina.

Grounds & Amenities Information

  • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary covers twenty-seven (27) hectares of natural settings, with pathways and walking tracks of various surfaces, varying from concrete, pavers, stone, timber walkways and sand substrate.
  • The Astra Lumina trail comprises of five (5) surfaces; concrete, paving, asphalt, crushed granite and bridges (FRP Micro Mesh).
  • The majority of the Astra Lumina experience and walkways are not sheltered as it is an outdoor natural environment experience.
  • Walkways have varying gradients and widths, as per the natural contours of the land. The main pathway through the Sanctuary is either bitumen, cement or pavers that is accessible to all users. Paths with steeper inclines are clearly marked via signage on the path itself before the incline starts.
  • Please contact Visitor Services to seek information regarding the gradients on the trail for specific detail on your access requirements by calling (07) 5534 1266 between 9am and 4pm or emailing
  • There are several pedestrian level crossings where the pathways and train lines cross over. All level crossings have yellow safety lines to indicate a safe distance from oncoming trains and an audible buzzer that sounds when a train is approaching. All level crossings are at least 2000mm wide. NOTE: The trains only operate at night during special events and are not part of the Astra Lumina experience (Image E). 
  • The Cooee tunnel runs under the Gold Coast Highway and connects the east and west side of the Sanctuary together. This is a shared tunnel with the train line running through on one side and the pathway running along the other side. The path width through the tunnel is 2500mm however the full width for shared access is 4800mm. The maximum clearance height is 2200mm. The length of the tunnel is 5000mm (50 metres). There is LED lighting which runs the length of the tunnel to ensure there is sufficient lighting however the lighting levels are considerably darker inside the tunnel (Image F).
  • Signage and wayfinding markers are in place to assist in navigating the Sanctuary and Astra Lumina.
  • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, in particular the car park, main entrance and east section of the park, is located directly under the flight path for incoming aircraft to the Gold Coast Airport. Large commercial aircraft will fly over the Sanctuary at altitudes within 500 – 1000 feet (150 – 305 metres). The noise from incoming aircraft is sudden and can be quite loud which may cause distress or discomfort to those with heightened sensitivity to noise. You can check the Gold Coast Airport Arrivals page for more information and schedules for inbound flights on the day of you visit.
  • The park map and Astra Lumina Trail map can be viewed via the website.
  • The website is enabled to be viewed via mobile phone and tablet devices.
  • Restroom amenities are provided at the entrance to the Sanctuary with designated wide access ambulant cubicles in selected areas. Locations of Astra Lumina accessible restrooms are identified on the park map at Sanctuary Cafe and at Wild Burgers near the start of the Astra Lumina trail.
  • A PWD toilet with shower facility is located at the Treetop Challenge amenities and does not require a MLAK (Master Locksmiths Access Key) for access (Image G). As these bathrooms are not open during Astra Lumina, if the PWD toilet is required please speak to a team member.
  • All restrooms within the Sanctuary are currently gendered however all accessible restrooms are gender neutral.
  • Family toilets are located in the Male and Female amenities at Wild Burgers.
  • Baby care rooms are available in key areas and are identified on the park map. Our Main Baby Care facility is located at the Wild Burgers Amenities – this facility has been awarded 5 stars by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (Image H).
  • The Health Centre (First Aid station) can be used at a changing place if required however there is no hoist on the premises. The closest Changing Places location is John Laws Park Public Amenities (Goodwin Terrace, Burleigh Heads 4220) and requires a MLAK (Master Locksmiths Access Key) for access.
  • Aside from seating at the welcome area (Melaleuca Pavilion) and along the trail, a limited number of varied seating is located strategically on the pathway.
Image E – Pedestrian level crossings have yellow safety lines and an audible buzzer to advise when a train is approaching.
Image F – The Cooee tunnel has a length of 50 metres and a maximum height of 2.2 metres.
Image G – PWD toilet with shower facility located at TreeTop Challenge amenities.
Image H – Baby Care facility located at Wild Burgers Amenities.

Dining & Retail Facilities

  • Sanctuary Cafe is accessible via the main entrance or via the Lorikeet Arena. Both access points are via inclined paths that may require assistance for guests with mobility aids.
  • A limited menu is available in the Welcome Zone.
  • Menus at the Welcome Area offer vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan options. Vegan options are available at Sanctuary Cafe only.
  • All food items may contain traces or have been in contact with ingredients that are known allergens that may cause allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Please speak with Staff members for more information when ordering.
  • Large type menus are available.
  • Tables can accommodate persons using wheelchairs and mobility devices.
  • Access to all dining areas is wide enough for people using wheelchairs, mobility devices, walkers and strollers.
  • Portable EFTPOS machines allow payment accessibility at all dining outlets.
  • Staff are readily available to assist guests with table service ordering and meal delivery if requested.
  • Accessible bathroom and baby change facilities are located near each outlet.
  • There will be two retail outlets open. One (1) retail outlet ‘Sanctuary Gifts’ is accessible via level entry or accessible ramps that can be used without assistance. Doorways and access points to retail outlets are minimum 1400mm wide. Two (2) A Pop-Up retail outpost will be found in the Astra Lumina Welcome Area.
  • Retail items are located at mid-level height, suitable for access by persons using wheelchairs. Staff are happy to provide assistance as required.

Visitor & Member Services

  • Visitor & Member Services is located to the left of main Ticket Booths and can be accessed without entering the Wildlife Sanctuary (Image I). The window at the counter is 900mm from ground height and is 1400mm across to allow for open and easy communication with staff.

  • Designated First Aiders are on duty at all times when Astra Lumina is open. First Aid kits are located throughout the Sanctuary. Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are available on site, located at Visitor & Member Services (map ref. E16) Wild Burgers (map ref. Q11) and TreeTop Challenge (map ref. S12).

  • Visitor & Member Services staff are the first point of call for any questions or queries in regards to accessibility and/or special requirements that guests may have.

  • Visitor & Member Services staff have communication channels across the 27 hectares of the Sanctuary and can liaise with other departments to ensure all guests’ needs are met.

  • Stroller and wheelchair hire is currently available from Visitor & Member Services.

Image I – Visitor & Member Services is located to the left of the main Ticket Booths and can be accessed without entering the Wildlife Sanctuary.

Shows & Presentations

  • Accessible seating areas are available at all show venues.
  • The Blinky Bill stage (Wild Stage) is flat and paved with no steps. The stage and seating area are covered by shade sails but do not offer full protection from the elements, such as rain (Image J).
  • The Aboriginal Culture show seating area is flat and paved with no steps. This show shade provided naturally by the surrounding trees and is not fully protected from the elements, such as rain (Image K).
  • The seating ay both of these shows is aluminium benches that can be easily moved. These benches do not have backrests or armrests. All benches are 2000mm wide and 250mm long. There are benches that are 450mm high, and some that are 300mm high for children or those who wish to sit lower to the ground.
  • The Wild Skies Free Flight Bird Show has an auditorium style layout with 120mm risers and 780mm tread. The venue has permanently fixed aluminium bench seats that are 450mm high that do not have backrests or armrests. The aisles have a minimum width of 1350mm. The auditorium is covered by a large roof which protects the majority of the seating from the elements, such as rain (Image L). An assisted listening service which amplifies sound through headphones or induction loop is provided for guests with hearing difficulties at the Wild Skies Free Flight Bird Show and can be hired from Visitor & Member Services.
Image J – The Blinky Bill stage (Wild Stage) is flat and paved with no steps.
Image K – The Aboriginal Culture show seating area is flat and paved with no steps.
Image L – The Wild Skies Free Flight Bird Show has an auditorium style layout.

Animal Encounters & Experiences

  • Many of the animal encounters and experiences take place in easily accessible areas or can be arranged to be held in such a location, however, due to the limited access or natural contours of the terrain in certain animal enclosures, some guests with limited or reduced mobility without the assistance of a carer or mobility device may not be able to participate in some activities. Due to the safety and welfare of our animals, there may be some cases where mobility devices may not be permitted in certain areas.
  • The following Animal Encounters have enhanced accessibility:
    • Koala Experience
    • Koala Breakfast and Grazy Arvo with Koalas
    • Lemur Encounter
    • Possum Encounter
    • Behind the Scenes
    • Creature Feature Tour
  • The following Animal Encounters currently allow aided or unaided pedestrian access but cannot accommodate mobility devices or aids:
    • Capybara Encounter
    • Echidna Encounter
    • Scaly Tails Encounter
    • Cotton-top Tamarin Encounter
  • The Red Panda Encounter currently does not meet accessibility requirements.
  • It is recommended that contact be made with Visitor & Member Services for more information prior to any bookings being made.

Astra Lumina Experience

  • The experience is a nighttime outdoor, audio-visual event featuring dynamic lighting, music, and the use of artificial smoke and fog effects.
  • The trail is sloping in places and is comprised of sealed and unsealed surfaces. Due to inclines across the trail, Astra Lumina is not recommended for people using a wheelchair.
  • If you have any specific questions or would like more information to see if this event meets your needs, please contact our Visitor & Member Services team on (07) 5534 1266 before booking.

Lorikeet Feeding

  • The Lorikeet feeding happens twice daily at 8am and 4pm and is located in the Lorikeet Arena, just past the Nature’s Gift entrance.
  • The arena is completely flat and paved for easy access and viewing (Image M).
  • Small, round aluminium plates are used to feed the lorikeets. These plates are lightweight however once filled with the food mixture, this will encourage lorikeets to land on the plate which will increase the weight of the plate itself so holding plates with two hands is always recommended.
  • The lorikeet area is surrounded by a low fence with a height of 630mm to allow unobstructed viewing. This fence has shelves positioned all around the arena at a height of 800mm to place the aluminium plates on to allow for hands-free feeding and viewing of the lorikeets.
  • As the lorikeets are wild animals, the number of birds will vary for each session. The lorikeets will perch or land on any surface or object including people and devices. The food mixture mainly consists of water and honey which can produce a sticky residue when spilled, by either people or the birds, so please ensure that sensitive electronic equipment is covered or kept away from the lorikeet feeding area.
  • At times the lorikeets may perform a ‘fright flight’ where all of the lorikeets fly away without warning, which can be startling.
  • The noise and high number of lorikeets can be very overwhelming for some people. If this becomes too much, put down your plate and move away from the fenced area until the birds will fly away to stay close to the feeding area.
Image M – The Lorikeet Arena is completely flat and paved for easy access and viewing.

Currumbin Express Miniature Railway

  • All train passengers must travel on train seating and are not able to travel within wheelchairs or strollers. Strollers and non-motorised aids can be transported on the designated stroller bay at the front of the train.
  • Please note that the train operates on a narrow gauge track which limits the maximum width of the carriages to 800mm.
  • All seats are 700mm from ground level and do not have arm rests. There is an approx. 200mm step up from the platform to the train carriage. All carriages have a roof which is 1700mm high from ground level.
  • All seats are made from fibreglass and have the following dimensions:
    • Seat width: 750mm
    • Seat length: 280mm
    • Backrest height: 320mm
    • Clearance from edge of seat to the seat in front: 400mm
  • Passengers riding the train must be able to maintain an upright seated position at all times.
  • There are four (4) stations in the Sanctuary:
    • Lorikeet Station – right hand side exit. The train platform is 1500mm wide. The queue is 1700mm wide. Passengers can exit at the front and back of the platform.
    • Conservation Station – left hand side exit. The train platform is 1000mm wide at its narrowest point. The queue is 1700mm wide. Passengers can exit at the front and back of the platform.
    • Wild Station – left hand side exit. The train platform is 1500mm wide. The queue is 1400mm wide. Passengers can exit at the front of this platform only.
    • Kangaroo Station – left hand side exit. The train platform is 1100mm wide at its narrowest point. The queue is 1500 wide. Passengers can exit at the front of this platform only.

Conference Facilities

  • Various conference locations are available throughout the Sanctuary. Access is either via level entry or ramp. Depending on the venue, persons using wheelchairs or mobility devices may require assistance.
  • A hearing loop with 8 receivers is available in the Sir Walter Campbell Centre. Additional receiver can be arranged on request. Pre booking is required.
  • The Events staff are available as required to ensure easy egress into and out of all conference facilities and per guest needs and per event package.

Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs

  • Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs are welcome within the Sanctuary, however, due to Queensland Biosecurity restrictions and the safety of our animals, only certified service dogs under the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dog Act 2009 are permitted on the premises.
  • Accompanied handlers or trainers must provide proof of certification and current vaccination for their service dog. We ask that dogs wear their working vest or cloth identifying their role at all times.
  • Please contact Visitor & Member Services via email to provide proof of certification and current vaccination details of the assistance dog to enable our staff to ensure all requirements are met prior to arrival.
  • Assistance dogs are not permitted into areas where direct interaction with animals can occur. We are happy to provide more details when contact is made.
  • Assistance dogs that are trained with a bark response can cause a fright/flight reaction amongst collection animals and accordingly cannot be granted access to the paid collection area of the Sanctuary.

Team Members

  • Astra Lumina/Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary staff and volunteers are focussed on ensuring all guests receive the most memorable experience possible.
  • Many team members carry two-way radios as means of communication. If they are unsure of an answer to a question, a quick call can gather the appropriate and accurate response.
  • All Astra Lumina staff and volunteers are encouraged to complete the Hidden Disability SUNFLOWER training program. These team members can be easily identified as they are wearing a white SUNFLOWER lanyard.

View our video

At Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, we aim to ensure that every guest has a memorable experience and has the ability to see our wonderful flora and fauna as well as our wildlife shows, presentations and education programs.

We are committed to providing suitable access for our guests, whatever their individual needs may be. In this video, we have outlined our facilities and services to give our guests information to enjoy the best possible experience whilst meeting their specific requirements.
