Say Cheese!
Join us at Conservation HQ for a photo session today! Have your professional photo taken with either a large snake, owl or a Wedge-tailed Eagle by selecting your session below.

Name: Wild Photos
Days Available: Daily*
11:10 AM - Eagle Photo
11:50 AM - Snake Photo
2:40 PM - Owl Photo
Price: $25 for a single photo (save 20% if you buy 2!)
Available Positions: 20 per session
Terms & Conditions
Please present your ID and the Credit Card to our team on arrival
1. Check in at Visitor Services at least 30 minutes prior to your photo session
2. Maximum of 20 guests per session
3. Sanitizer will be provided & all guests will be required to sanitize hands before & after photo session
4. Social distancing guidelines will need to be adhered to by all guests
5. All guests must follow all instructions given by the keeper and if they fail to do so may be removed from the program and not issued a refund
6. The program may cease at any given time at the keeper’s discretion
7. Personal cameras will be allowed to be used during the experience
8. All participants are required to answer any safety briefing questions asked by the keepers and must inform the keeper of any allergies/reactions prior to participating in this photo session
9. Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary does not take responsibility for any injuries that are received during the experience; first aid will be available on location if required
10. Footwear must be worn. No high heels
11. guests are only to physically touch wildlife when invited to by your wildlife keeper
12. Price does not include admission to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Photo sessions may be subject to change