Birds of Lost Valley
Birds of Lost Valley
Explore Lost Valley and watch as free-flying birds from China, Indonesia, Brazil and even the Maldives nest high in the trees. Witness the Satin Bowerbird build and decorate his bower to attract a mate and as you walk across the boardwalks make sure to keep a lookout for the Mandarin Duck, widely regarded as the world’s most beautiful duck.
Eclectus Parrots, Moluccan Red Lories, Black-capped Lories, Satin Bowerbirds, Emerald Doves, Chiming Wedgebills, Golden Pheasants and Mandarin Ducks call Lost Valley home

Mandarin Ducks are used in Feng Shui for relationship healing. They are believed to be a symbol of loyalty and fidelity.
Additional Facts
Birds In Lost Valley
Powerful and Agile Flyer
The Pied Imperial Pigeon is amongst the most
powerful and agile flyers in the bird world