Afternoon WildSkies Bird Show has moved to 1.15pm on Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th of Feb.


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Published On: 02 Sep 2024

National Bilby Day 2024

What Are Bilbies and Where Are They Found?

Bilbies are very special Australian marsupials. They are the largest type of animal in the Bandicoot family and can weigh up to 2.5kg. They have fluffy grey hair, big ears and a long tail. They are very adaptable. While they can live successfully in a lot of different types of environments in Australia, they are normally found living in burrows amongst grasses, trees and rocks in grasslands and scrublands.

They might be a bit shy, but these nocturnal creatures are a family favourite at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

Our 7 Best Bilby Facts

  • Bilbies live for around 5-6 years
  • They have long ears, and super-dooper hearing
  • They are mostly found in remote Western Australia and Queensland
  • Bilbies are omnivores and like to eat small insects like termites and spiders, as well as fruits and seeds.
  • Bilbies don’t need to drink, they can get all their water from food.
  • They keep cool in the Australian Summer by burrowing up to 3 meters underground.
  • Their special backwards facing pouch means they can dig for food or make burrows, without soil filling up their pouches.

Are Bilbies Endangered?

  • The Greater Bilby is endangered in Queensland
  • They are listed as vulnerable Nationally with only around 10,000 estimated individuals.
  • Foxes and feral cats are the biggest threat to wild Bilbies, as well as habitat destruction.

How Can You Help Save Bilbies?

Adopt a Bilby

For just $59 you can help save Bilbies, with a symbolic adoption. You will receive a small Bilby toy, printed symbolic certificate, printed fact sheet and quarterly updates about Bilbies.

Donate to Help our Bilby Conservation Program

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary takes part in an Australia wide Bilby breeding program. This is to make sure there is a variety of genetics within the wild population.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we depend on the generosity of people like you to support vital conservation efforts, such as our Bilby program. By contributing to these initiatives, you play a crucial role in protecting endangered species and helping us safeguard their future.

Donate now >

Can I see Bilbies at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary?

Yes! You can visit the Bilbies at Repturnal Den (B13 on park map).

Learn More About Bilbies

