Conservation Bequests
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is passionate about conservation and preserving our wildlife for future generations to enjoy. Sadly there are many native and exotic animals that are threatened. The Sanctuary participates in multiple conservation projects to help save some of these amazing species from extinction including endangered Australian animals.
Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most powerful ways you can help to ensure Australian Wildlife's protection for the future.
It is easy to leave a gift in your Will, large or small, you can truly make a difference.
Leaving a small percentage or residual of your Estate will mean you can still take care of your loved ones and demonstrate that you care about stopping wildlife from becoming endangered or extinct.
Get In Touch
Complete the form to get in touch with Georgia, or contact her directly via email (donate@cws.org.au) or phone (0409 980 474).
Your details will be treated with the strictest confidence and without any obligation.

Australia currently has 500 native species at risk of extinction, and we need your help to save them as the list continues to grow! The catastrophic Australian bushfires in 2019-2020 paired with the Koala endangered listing in 2022 highlight that there has never been a more important time in history to help.
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Conservation Teams participate in multiple projects to save species from extinction, and you can join their mission by leaving a charitable bequest or gift in your will.
Frog Conservation
A huge win for the critically endangered Kroombit Tinkerfrog species took place in March 2023, when Currumbin Conservation along with a team from Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services were proud to release their first Kroombit Tinkerfrogs bred at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, into the wild.
Endangered Eastern Bristlebird
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary became involved with the captive breeding program of this species in 2014 (in collaboration with the then named New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage).The Conservation team has been able to increase this captive population to 30 birds through this successful captive breeding program.
Eucalyptus Plantations (Tree to Me Program)
It takes up to 1,000 gum trees to feed just one Koala for a year and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has four Koala fodder plantations that contain 38,000 eucalypt trees, with a limited lifespan due to constant harvesting.

Update your Will for free with a simple online Will from Gathered Here
Having a will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Not only will it reduce financial and emotional stress for them, but it also ensures your assets go where you want them to, so people you love are well looked after.
You can choose to include a gift in your will to reflect you love for wildlife, by leaving a gift in your will for Currumbin Wildlife Conservation, you are ensuring the conservation and preservation of wildlife for future generations to enjoy.
It’s simple to include a gift in your Will to save wildlife – provide the following details to your solicitor:
National Trust of Australia (Queensland) Limited’s (ABN: 85 836 591 486) is a registered charity under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (“ACNC”) law as a specific deductible gift environment recipient (“DGR”) Even a gift of 1% of your estate will save wildlife and show how much you care about and ensure your loved ones are still provided for.