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Community Wills Day

Get a simple will prepared by one of the largest and most experienced wills & estates lawyers in Australia all while saving precious wildlife.

Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is partnering with Attwood Marshall Lawyers to deliver 3 Will Days across the Gold Coast and Tweed.

The cost for a simple will is $149 per person and $249 per couple (married or defacto). All proceeds will go to Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.


Event Details

Wills Day 1

Date & Time: Friday, 11 April I 9am – 4pm
Location: Attwood Marshall Robina Town Centre Office

Wills Day 2

Date & Time: Friday, 23 May I 9am – 4pm
Location: Attwood Marshall Coolangatta Office

Wills Day 3

Date & Time: Tuesday, 17 June I 9am – 4pm
Location: Attwood Marshall Kingscliff Office

Together we can make a difference

Definition of a Simple Will


A simple Will:

  • Does not include advice around BDBN, SMSF, Companies, family trusts, business succession or family provision advice.
  • Does not include multiple beneficiaries with different shares/percentages/gifts.
  • Does not include a right to reside, gifting of specific items or list clauses

If the Will is outside the scope of what the lawyer deems simple, then Attwood Marshall Lawyers will quote you of their fees as a private client. Any fees paid to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital for Wills Day will be deducted.

For couples

Partners are appointing each other as executors and leaving their estate to each other. In the event that they both pass, appointing a substitute executor/s and leaving their estate equally between their children/dependents. In the event of no children/dependents, then to a maximum of 3 beneficiaries in equal shares. Recording their simple disposal of body wishes ie burial or cremation. A legacy to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.

For singles

Appointing an executor/s and substitute executor/s. Leaving their estate equally between their children/dependents. In the event of no children/dependents, then to a maximum of 3 beneficiaries in equal shares. Recording their simple disposal of body wishes ie burial or cremation. A legacy to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.
