10 Facts About Cotton-top Tamarins
Published On: 18 Jun 2018The Cotton-top Tamarin happens to be so-named by its distinctive fluffy white crest that takes many of us back to the 80s. These pint-sized monkeys bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain theoretical physicist — and they’re among the newest residents to grace the Sanctuary grounds in the all-new ‘Lost Valley’ precinct.

Fun, fabulous and FREE things to do with kids on the Gold Coast
Published On: 18 Jun 2018FREE - the word we parents LOVE to hear when it comes to entertaining the family. And believe it or not the Gold Coast is brimming with free, exciting and downright delightful things to do with your kids when exploring the city.

Celebrating Dad's that call Currumbin home
Published On: 18 Jun 2018It’s time to celebrate and salute the dedicated dads that call Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary home.

Injured Wildlife Gold Coast: Here’s What To Do In An Emergency
Published On: 08 Jun 2018If you’ve ever stumbled upon an injured animal on the side of the road, or if one of your pets has ever decided to bring a reluctant guest into the house, you’ll be familiar with the heart-sinking, gut-wrenching state of helplessness and dread.