Age groups: 5-8 yo, 9-12 yo, 13-16 yo I Duration: 1.5 - 3 hours I Cost: From $36
For the first time ever, we're offering bee workshops for kids and teens during the school holidays! Over the course of two days only, we'll be running hands-on, educational and fun bee workshops for young ones that have a keen interest in the buzzing world of bees.
Check-ins open from 8.15am. Please ensure to pack some snacks, a water bottle and sun care.
Little Pollinators
Dates: Thursday, 23rd and Friday, 24th January
Age group: 5 to 8 years
Time: 9am - 10.30am
Cost: $36 per child
Become a ‘Little Pollinator’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your little ones will get to:
- Taste native honey
- Learn about the life cycle of native, stingless bees
- Discover how First Nations Peoples' lived with them
- Get creative with colouring in sheets
- Take home native bee-friendly seeds to plant, watch grow and attract bees to your garden

Native Bee Explorers
Dates: Thursday, 23rd and Friday, 24th January
Age group: 9 to 12 years
Times: 9am - 12pm
Cost: $50 per child
Become a ‘Native Bee Explorer’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your explorers will get to:
- Taste native honey & explore a typical nest
- Discover its cultural connections & make a mini didgeridoo
- Make a bee mobile showing the life cycle of native bees
- Learn how to identify bee-friendly plants
- Take home a native bee-friendly plant to watch grow and attract bees to your garden

Native Bee Explorers Teens
Dates: Thursday, 23rd and Friday, 24th January
Age group: 13 to 16 years
Time: 9am - 12pm
Cost: $50 per teen
Become a ‘Native Bee Explorer’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your teen will get to:
- Taste native honey & explore a typical nest
- Discover its cultural connections with First Nations Peoples'
- Make a basket with beeswax
- Discover the life cycle of a native bee through the microscope
- Learn how to identify bee-friendly plants & plant a native bee-friendly tube stock to take home
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