Age groups: 5-8 years, 9-12 years, 13-16 years I Duration: 1.5 - 3 hours I Cost: From $36
Do you have a kid that loves to help local wildlife thrive in the wild, just like us? Then this Native Bee workshop is for them! Available for all age groups, this interactive workshop will introduce your kid to the fascinating world of buzzing bees. Check-ins open from 8.15am. Please ensure to pack some snacks, a water bottle and sun care.
Little Pollinators
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 14 & 15 April 2025
Age group: 5 to 8 years
Time: 9am - 10.30am
Cost: $36 per child
Become a ‘Little Pollinator’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your little ones will get to:
- Taste native honey
- Learn about the life cycle of native, stingless bees
- Discover the cultural connections between bees and First Nations Peoples'
- Get creative with colouring in sheets
- Plant native bee-friendly seeds to take home, watch grow and attract bees to your backyard

Native Bee Explorers
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 14 & 15 April 2025
Age group: 9 to 12 years
Times: 9am - 12pm
Cost: $50 per child
Become a ‘Native Bee Explorer’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your explorers will get to:
- Taste native honey & explore a typical nest
- Discover cultural connections between bees and First Nations Peoples' & make a mini didgeridoo
- Make a bee mobile showing the life cycle of native bees
- Learn how to identify bee-friendly plants
- Plant a native bee-friendly tube stock to take home, watch grow and attract bees to your backyard

Native Bee Explorers Teens
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 14 & 15 April 2025
Age group: 13 to 16 years
Time: 9am - 12pm
Cost: $50 per teen
Become a ‘Native Bee Explorer’ and learn about a native, stingless bee! Your teen will get to:
- Taste native honey & explore a typical nest
- Discover the cultural connections between bees and First Nations Peoples'
- Make your own basket with beeswax as a sealant
- Study a native bee's life cycle, taxonomy and classify organisms through a microscope
- Learn how to identify bee-friendly plants & plant a native bee-friendly tube stock to take home, watch grow and attract bees to your backyard
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